Posts Tagged ‘Pride in Bournemouth’

Pride in Bournemouth – Update

March 7, 2011

This lovely lion design appeared about a week after my first blog about the matter:

Have actually started seeing them around, this one was at the AUCB’s Arts Bar, probably chilling, a bit like those statue guard dogs you find outside of people’s houses. Also found one tucked away at Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) at their temporary ice skate rink, no idea why it was there, it was hidden with the machine used to re-smooth the ice…

Pride in Bournemouth Lion Photo

The kids that I’m a teacher’s assistant for have shared their stories about appearing lions at their primary school.

It’s great that the community are really getting involved, of all ages and backgrounds.

Working an event tomorrow about this project so will be able to see how it is developing.

Fingers crossed they will be as much of a success as other towns.

Additionally they are asking us assisting the evening to wear safari glam clothes…

Pride in Bournemouth

January 14, 2011

First blog of the new year, hopefully more to come. Been inspired by a recent talk held at the AUCB so fingers crossed the things I blog will be more current and show elements of what I’m interested in.

Was welcomed today at uni by this peculiar sighting:

Pride in Bournemouth Lion photo

At first it seemed as if the space vacant from the removal of the Christmas tree needed filler, and what random and bizarre choice as a replacement.

It was an instant reminder of those pigs that featured in Bath, the colourful, decorated ones by numerous designers. That or Anthony Gormley’s surveillance statue pieces dotted around London some time ago.

This was a plain, life size-eque lion model, just waiting to be given a personality!

Upon investigation I discovered that this in fact is a new project Bournemouth is holding which is doing a similar thing to Bath and asking locals to give the lion’s life, to which the lions will be placed around Bournemouth town in a ‘trail’.

AUCB has been invited to submit some designs, and as it’s an art university there will definitely be some barmy designs.

Set to be staged throughout the summer 2011 tourists and visitors are definitely in for a treat when they come visit the seaside this year.