Archive for March, 2011

Pride in Bournemouth – Update

March 7, 2011

This lovely lion design appeared about a week after my first blog about the matter:

Have actually started seeing them around, this one was at the AUCB’s Arts Bar, probably chilling, a bit like those statue guard dogs you find outside of people’s houses. Also found one tucked away at Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) at their temporary ice skate rink, no idea why it was there, it was hidden with the machine used to re-smooth the ice…

Pride in Bournemouth Lion Photo

The kids that I’m a teacher’s assistant for have shared their stories about appearing lions at their primary school.

It’s great that the community are really getting involved, of all ages and backgrounds.

Working an event tomorrow about this project so will be able to see how it is developing.

Fingers crossed they will be as much of a success as other towns.

Additionally they are asking us assisting the evening to wear safari glam clothes…